In [1]:
%pylab inline
import datetime
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from davitpy import pydarn
In [2]:
sTime = datetime.datetime(2008,2,22)
eTime = datetime.datetime(2008,2,23)
radar = 'bks'
beam = 7
In [3]:
#The following command will print the docstring for the plotRti routine:
In [4]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12)) #Define a figure with a custom size.
pydarn.plotting.rti.plotRti(sTime, radar, eTime=eTime, bmnum=beam, figure=fig)
In [5]:
#Now save as a PNG to your home folder...
home = os.getenv('HOME')
filename = os.path.join(home,'rti.png')
In [6]:
fig.clear() #Clear the figure from memory.
You can also plot data stored in a local file. Just change the variables in the cell below.
In [7]:
fileName = '/tmp/sd/20080222.000000.20080223.000000.bks.fitex'
fileType = 'fitex'
radar = 'bks'
beam = 7
sTime = datetime.datetime(2008,2,22)
eTime = datetime.datetime(2008,2,23)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12)) #Define a figure with a custom size.
pydarn.plotting.rti.plotRti(sTime, radar, eTime=eTime, bmnum=beam, figure=fig, fileName=fileName,fileType=fileType)
In [8]:
fig.clear() #Clear the figure from memory.
Right now we don't have plotFan setup to accept local files. But, we will add that in shortly.
In [9]:
import datetime
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from davitpy import pydarn,3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=False)
Magnetic coordinates still need a little work. For instance, high latitude continent lines don't always plot. Also, we are working on getting Simon's new AACGM system in place ( Not there yet...
In [10]:
import datetime
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from davitpy import pydarn,3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=False,coords='mag')
In [11]:
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import davitpy.pydarn.plotting.plotMapGrd
from davitpy.utils import *
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
sdate = datetime.datetime(2011,4,3,4,0)
mObj = plotUtils.mapObj(boundinglat=50.,gridLabels=True, coords='mag')
mapDatObj = davitpy.pydarn.plotting.plotMapGrd.MapConv(sdate, mObj, ax)
In [ ]: